Starting the new year with a bang!
>> Saturday, January 14, 2012
So, if you are one of the loyal readers actually looking at this post, you will notice that I have not been doing much blogging for a while. I have been thinking about getting back to blogging, though.
Starting...NOW! I am not planning on blogging on That's {FAM}tastic anymore though. Sad day, I know. But not really, because I have started a new blog! And this one will be even better, because my sister Caroline is going to be in on it too! I'm super excited about that!
The new blog is called Highwire Living. ( Caroline came up with the idea behind the highwire. It's in reference to all the balancing we do as moms, crafters, house keepers, wives, decorators, party planners, etc. About how it can sometimes feel like you are walking a tightrope, trying to balance your responsibilities and the fun things that keep you sane.
We plan on posting a variety of things, very similar to what I was doing on this blog--craft and decorating projects, recipes, tips, etc.
Currently we only have one follower--our mom! So I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you would go visit and follow the new blog! There's not much on there now, but more will be coming soon! Thanks, you are wonderful!
And as if that wasn't exciting enough... I'm also going to announce the opening of my new Etsy shop! Going along with the new blog, I named my shop The Highwire Shop. This also is in the beginning stages, but there are a few items up, and I'm always open to custom orders! I'm selling handmade jewelry, including those cute personalized hand stamped necklaces that everyone loves!
Here are some of my favorite things in the shop right now:
I've had the shop open for a little over a week and have already made a few sales and have one custom order in the works! It's pretty exciting! I am currently offering 10% off all orders with the coupon code GRANDOPEN10. I hope you'll check it out!
I feel really blessed to have such supportive friends and family as I take on these new endeavors. Thank you so much! And thank you to any readers I've had on That's {FAM}tastic who I haven't met. I hope you'll continue to follow along and see what I'm up to over at Highwire Living!